Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

We had a quiet day today. I mean we didn't do much, not that there was a great amount of silence! That NEVER happens around here. The kids and I went to Mass with Mike this morning. It was really nice. There was an adult who was baptized and confirmed. Father gave a really good homily about the Holy Spirit and how if we follow His guidance in our lives we will be more joyful and less burnt out than if we are just trying to do our own will. I got to take a nice hour and a half nap this afternoon with the 2 girls. I tried to get Connor to have a rest too but he wasn't tired so he went and played quietly for a while. Patrick came home around 5pm and had got a package of Dahlia tubers for each of the kids to give me for Mother's day. He had also got me a beautiful rose bush. Sophie wasn't feeling well. She is teething and was running a bit of a temperature and just wanted me to hold her. She was really miserable. Pat made BLT's for dinner. I love bacon and we don't have it very often but it sure was a nice treat. Now everyone is in bed but I'm not too tired, probably because of my nice nap!!!


Kelly said...

Sounds like a good day. Hope my card came in time!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely, simple, profound day. It reminds me that faith and family are the most important gifts we can ever hope for.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a nice day. I got a long nap too(2 hours) infact all three of us did, then we went for a walk and then to bed early. we had been to a wedding in Vancouver the day before and were really tired. Hope Sophie is feeling better

A Place of springs said...

Hi I have been reading your blog but for some reason it wont let me post comments. Hopefully you'll get this one.