Saturday, April 19, 2008

This Is Not A Hoax!

I don't know why this isn't working right now. If you slide the play button across the bar you can see the pictures. I'll see if I can fix it later. This was really at our house yesterday. We had 3 inches of snow this morning when we got up too. It is all gone except for the snow men. I hope my veggies survived! This has not been a good start to the gardening season!

Seattle Center

Yesterday we went to Seattle. I had read that there was a free cherry blossom festival at the Seattle Center and we thought we would check it out. Well that turned out to be a bit of a disappointment, there wasn't much going on. There were just a bunch if booths that we took in in about half an hour. Pat and I did do a chopstick contest which he won and got a free bottle of 100% fruit & veggie juice that is really good! We did discover that there is a very large and fun children's museum at the Center House. We spent at least two hours there and the kids didn't want to leave when it was time to go. There was lots to do for all ages. There were places where Sophie could play and places where Connor and Laura had lots of fun as well as things that older children and adults would appreciate.

This Past Week

We have been busy this past week. We planted our vegetable garden and played out side a lot. Connor and Laura have really enjoyed playing with play doh. Connor likes to make roads to drive his cars on and Laura likes to make "roley worms". I have done a bunch of sewing. I made two skirts for Laura, a pillow for Connor and am working on some curtains for our room to keep the sun out at 6am!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Some how 10 months have gone by and Sophie's first birthday is only two months away! She is so much smaller than Connor or Laura were at this age that I sometimes forget how old she really is! She is just now outgrowing her infant car seat, something Connor did at 4 months. She is wearing clothes that Laura fit at 5 months and is such a feather weight that I have no problem carrying her around. Despite her small stature, she is working very hard to keep up with her older brother and sister. She is a pro at crawling and can walk almost anywhere she wants to get holding onto furniture and the walls! She will even take a few steps on her own with a little encouragement or the right goal (the swimming pool!). Neither Connor nor Laura braved their first steps until they were within a week or two of their
first birthdays! Sophie can say "Mama" and "Dada" or "Dad" and mean either me or Patrick. I just started giving her any solid food and so far, she seems to like it. She wasn't really interested earlier so I didn't push it.