Sunday, September 21, 2008


Sophie is trying sooo hard to talk these days. She is mostly done with her screaming phases. She used to scream all day. She'd scream and point if she wanted something. She'd scream if she didn't like something and she'd scream just for the fun if it too. Now she babbles nicely all day. She tries to say words but most of them come out as "DA" or "DAT". On Friday she started calling me "Mammy". She says it in such a cute little voice. The only problem is that when I put her down for a nap, and she doesn't want to sleep, instead of crying, she calls "Mammy, Mammy, Mammy". It almost breaks my heart to have to leave her there and to not go and get her.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That is so cute, we need to call her little Scarlett O'Hara! I am very happy to hear that the screaming is over, I know that didn't help the noise level at your house. I am starting baby signs with Will but so far he just looks at me like I am crazy when I show him how to say "all done". Look for a package from me early next week, we get pictures back this week and I have some little treats for the kiddos.