Saturday, January 19, 2008

Yes, We Are Still Here!

Not a lot has been happening around here lately. We were all sick after Christmas and it took a while for everyone to get better so we laid low for a while. We did go to the children's museum on day. some of the Silvertip players where there. It was really nice. they let the kids try on their REAL hockey equipment and signed autographs. The also had a kids size floor hockey set up and carpet skates for everyone to try on. Connor was so excited. he had to bring all his own gear! He wore his jersey and helmet and packed his gloves, stick and the carpet skates that he had received for Christmas in his backpack. he had a great time and played hockey for the whole hour. He wast he last to leave when it was all over. Laura was terrified of the whole thing and was much happier to go with Gramma to the art room and do crafts. Sophie has been sick again this past week with a fever. She was very lethargic, clingy and fussy. Thankfully, she seems to be all better now and is back to her normal cheerful self! She has a few new tricks. If you ask her to "clap clap" she claps her hands. She also will put her hands up on her head if you say "So Big". If she wants attention, she'll do these over and over until you start talking to her! She has started saying "Mama" and "Dada" and when she cries she cries for "Mamamama".


Kelly said...

Sorry to hear that you were all sick. Especially Sophie, being so young,there is a major fever virus going around. Thanks for the comment on my blog, I am hoping that the baby will come a few weeks early, but that is most likely wishful thinking. I'm sure Connor impressed the hockey players with his cool moves! We miss the kids so much, the visit was a tease- it showed us what we are missing!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the update.
Tell Connor he should bring his carpet skates to Grandmas house...I don't know what they are!!! Did Laura do any art in the art room? You should post some are pictures. Glad to hear you are all feeling better.

A Place of springs said...

Great pix! Nice rink. Shane was talking about doing that in our back yard. Don't know if that will ever happen with all the landscaping we plan on doing this summer. We wont have the space. Or maybe we could compact the snow down ontop on the gardens and put the rink on top? Hmmm... We'll see.