Saturday, July 2, 2011

No, I Haven't Forgotten

I realize that it has been 7 months since I last posted but I really have not forgotten. Sometimes there is just too much required in real life to take time to do stuff on the computer. Sometimes real life is just too exhausting. And sometimes, your computer dies and you can't figure out how to load your pictures on to a different computer. Right now I am using the last excuse and it may be a while 'till MY computer is up and running again. In the mean time, Tyler finally started walking at 15 months, Sophie just turned 4! and Connor and Laura are getting more and more grown up and independent. Connor, Laura and Sophie took swim lessons this past winter and spring and can't wait to hit the lake at Big Gramma's house next week (4 more sleeps!!) They are all little fish. Connor and Laura have been perfecting their crawl stroke and backstroke as well as learning breaststroke and butterfly. The swim laps of the deep and and were able to pass the swim test at "Daddy's pool" so they could go on the water slide. Sophie thinks she can swim as well as they can and I think she will catch up soon. She has been working on crawl stroke and side breathing and can probably swim a good 20-30 feet without help. Tyler LOVES the water as well. He's got all the move and loves to go under water. It is really funny to watch.

Connor has mastered the "two wheeler" and is allowed to ride around the block on his own. I think it makes him feel really grown up. He does really well asking each time he wants to go and letting me know when he gets back. I also let the kids walk together down the street and back. The have found all sorts of "treasures" and tried to sell them at a garage sale. Little Gramma was the only customer and they charged her top dollar!

We have joined with a bunch of other homeschooling families from our church and the kids are putting on an abridged version of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar". Connor has 2 sentences to say and is really looking forward to it. He is a soldier. Laura and Sophie are townsfolk who are seen and not heard. I accidentally got put in charge of set design. (That will teach me to say I've had some experience) It looks like it is all coming together though. The play is July 16th.

We have pretty much finished school for the summer. Connor and Laura still have some reading and math to do. They did a Chemistry class early this spring with a 5 other families who had kids about the same age. The really enjoyed it (especially the experiments) The learned about atoms and how they bond, form molecules and react. They learned about acids and bases, mixtures, tastes, and molecular chains etc. It was a really great program. I think we will do the physics and maybe biology next year and they are publishing a geology and astronomy text book this coming year. I love science!

Tyler is starting to talk a little bit more but the other kids always "know" what he wants so he doesn't try too hard. He really likes to just say uhuhuhuh and point 'till you figure out what he wants. Trust me, that gets old REALLY fast!! I hope I can post some pictures soon. They are all getting so big. (Maybe while I'm at Mom and Dad's. I know how to load pictures on her computer)

HAPPY 4th of JULY!


Mary said...

yay I knew with enough harassment you would post!! I cant wait to see you all when you come up!!!!

emma said...

Hurray!!! I had given up on you :) lol Can't wait to see you in a week and a bit!