Today was sunny and warm! We walked over to the park and the three big kids had fun playing on the playground. Tyler didn't seem too impressed by the park. When we came home Connor, Laura and Sophie payed in the backyard while fed Tyler and made lunch. We had the first picnic of the year on the back porch. Surprisingly, they all ate it! They have gotten rather picky lately and I never know what they will eat! Thankfully there was no compaining at lunch to ruin the nice day. I can't wait 'till Spring! (Sophie thinks it is Summer already) But, I'll take all the sunny winter days I can get.
Wow! What a treat for Washington in January! The kids look so cute, and Sophie is getting so big! She looks a lot like Laura now. Tyler still reminds me of William a lot!
Wow! What a treat for Washington in January! The kids look so cute, and Sophie is getting so big! She looks a lot like Laura now. Tyler still reminds me of William a lot!
Thanks for the pictures, Bridget. I seems that the whole family is doing well. Everyone appears to thrive on being out-of-doors!
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