Last week was Sophie's second birthday! I took the kids swimming at the outdoor wading pool at Forest Park. They had just filled it the day before and it wasn't opened to the public yet so we had the whole thing to ourselves. In the evening, we had cake with Gramma and Grampa and Uncle Ryan. Sophie kept saying that she wanted green cake. Since I couldn't bring myself to make a cake that was actually green, she had to settle for green icing.
These days Sophie is talking up a storm! She talks all day and if you don't acknowledge her when she is talking she will repeat herself over and over until someone notices! If you ask her who she is she will tell you "ittle Ophie irl" (Little Sophie girl) and if you ask her if she's cute she will say "no, utie pie" (no, cutie pie)! She is our most daring little monkey. She climbs the big ladders at the park on her own, she walks UP all the slide and thinks she should be able to do everything that Connor and Laura are capable of.
She is such a big girl now! Thanks for the fashion show! They look so cute on her. I like the cake, you always make such nice ones! Happy Birthday Little Sophie Girl!
hehe! Kelly, she opened her present from you first thing in the morning and wore all the clothes that you got for her that day!
That's great! I love that dress on her, the colors really compliment her skin tone and hair! That sounds kinda silly regarding a 2 year old, but it's true!
Thanks for the pictures! I'm looking forward to seeing you for family camp in August, and September?? Something Diana said... Sounds great to me.
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