Sunday, February 1, 2009

Too Soon!

Yesterday Sophie climbed out of her bed by herself. I had put her down for a nap and about an hour later, I heard her crying. Figuring she had just woken up, I went to get her and she wasn't in her bed! I looked around and though I could hear her, I didn't see her. Turns out she had been at the door trying to get out of her room and when I had opened the door she just stayed behind it. Up 'till now, she has been sleeping in a playpen/pack and play type thing. When we move to our new house, in 2-3 weeks, I had planned on getting another twin sized mattress so each if the kids would have one. Unfortunately, she figured out how to climb out of her bed just a little too soon! Sooo, not wanting her to get hurt in another attempt to escape from her bed, I decided that she could sleep on a crib mattress on the floor (Connor and Laura both did this when they were smaller). This seemed like a simple answer until I went to find a sheet for the mattress. I had given all my crib sheets to Emma! Aren't I smart! She has a crib and I don't. It made sense at the time. Oh well. So at 6pm I set off for the Goodwill to find a cheap crib sheet. Luckily they had some and they were half off so for $1.50 I got 2 crib sheets and Sophie has her own little bed. She really likes it too, except when she is supposed to be going to sleep, them she just wanders around her room crying!


Kelly said...

So Funny! I can just picture her wandering around the room crying and whining. Poor Baby! I am impressed she was able to get out of the playpen, it didn't really have anything to get a foothold on. Good Luck moving, I can help you with stuff when I get there!

Anonymous said...

hehe that's great!!! I wish Elizabeth would move out of the crib so I could put Anne-Marie on those nice crib sheets I have:-) She really is too big for the cradle now. Elizabeth just crys and screams when we try to get her th sleep in the "big girl bed"
can't wait to see some pics of your new home.