Friday, June 20, 2008

Monday was a big day! Jason and Kelly wanted to take us to the Seattle Aquarium as Sophie's birthday present. All 7 of us (Patrick had to work) loaded into our van and Jason drove us down to Seattle. We had a GREAT time. there was so much to see and it was set up really well so there was lots for the kids to do. We were there around feeding time so we got to see lots of the tanks being fed. There was a great big tank right as you entered the aquarium that actually had a scuba diver in it. You could watch her feed the fish and ask her questions. She had a headset in her mask so she could talk to people. After the aquarium, we went to Ivar's Fish Bar for lunch. We sat outside and fed the seagulls some of our french fries. Connor and Laura thought that was a blast! We had seen a carousel as we were walking from the aquarium to lunch and Kelly wanted to take the kids on that so we headed back that way but got side tracked at the "Pirate Store". Jason and Kelly got Connor and Laura each there own pirate hooks and a temporary skull and cross bones tattoo. Connor had been wearing his pirate hat all day and was thrilled to look even more like a real pirate. We did finally make it to the carousel. It was really beautiful. I think Sophie enjoyed it the most. She was bouncing up and down ready to go before the ride even started! It was a great day and Connor and Laura can't wait 'till Auntie Kelly, Uncle Jason and Will can come visit again!


Kelly said...

Excellent pictures Bridget! It looks like we had tons of fun. I miss you all lots and lots and so does Puddin Pop! He is MUCH happier here back in his routine though. Love you all, Kelly, Jason and Pudd

Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds like such a fun day!!! Thanks for posting pics Bridget after talking ot you on the phone I was really eger (SP?) to see them.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds like such a fun day!!! Thanks for posting pics Bridget after talking ot you on the phone I was really eger (SP?) to see them.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds like such a fun day!!! Thanks for posting pics Bridget after talking ot you on the phone I was really eger (SP?) to see them.

Anonymous said...

Sorry my comp is being really weird right now