Monday, May 28, 2007

Due Date

Well, the week is almost up. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. Hopefully he'll have better news then last week. Mom got here last night around 10pm. Connor and Laura love having her here. They think it's great to have another person to read them stories and who doesn't know all their tricks yet. I have managed to keep busy this week. I did get a fair amount of reading done though. I weeded the front garden, pruned the rhodies, did tons of laundry, played with the kids and read a million story books. We went to the children's museum on Friday and to the beach in the evening. I'm afraid I'm driving Patrick crazy. I keep running out of ideas for things to do but have enough energy that I want to be doing something! I sure hope this baby comes soon!

This one is for you Emma!


Anonymous said...

Step over superman and batman!!!! Connor is on the way!!!!! LOL
Thanks for the pic Bridge. You look great!!! Laura looks like you!! What a cutie. Glad your finding things to keep you busy. I asked Mary to email you

Anonymous said...

Those babies of yours are so cute. Connor is a real boy isn't he.
When are you going to have that baby. We are waiting for the big announcement.
Take care
Aunt Kathy