Monday, December 21, 2009

Still Waiting

And not so patiently anymore! I wish this baby would make an appearance soon. It is getting rather close to Christmas and I would rather spend the day at home with my family than in the hospital. Mom is on her way down here as I write this.I called and asked her to come this afternoon. The stomach flu has been going through our house and Pat is down with it now. Which means he's not really up to going to the hospital with me should I go into labour right now so I thought it would be good to have Mom here. I was having some contractions last night but nothing today. Keep us in your prayers the next couple days and hopefully we will have a Christmas miracle a few days BEFORE Christmas!


Emma said...

Come OOOOON little miracle!!!!! You should find the patron of labour and start praying!!! Hope all goes well!

Kelly said...

Have you tried any of the old wives tales yet? Good Luck! We are so excited to hear if we have a neice or nephew! William's package made it on time by the way! Thanks so much, I know right now was not a great time to go to the post office. Keep us posted!