Saturday, December 13, 2008


This morning we went to Lowe's, the hardware store, for their free children's building project. Sophie got her own apron and goggles. She was very excited. Connor and Laura have had theirs for several months and she has always loved the goggles. Now she has her very own pair! The project for today was a wooden "gingerbread" house. It had a hinged lid so it opens. The kids love them and Connor and Laura have been using them all afternoon as houses for their playmobil people.

It has been trying to snow all afternoon and this evening it is FINALLY starting to accumulate. The kids were out playing in it before they left for the hockey game. It is really wet but lots of fun. They are probably soaking wet but I stayed home from the game to wrap presents so I guess I'll just listen to Handel's Messiah and not worry about them being all wet!

Okay, so accumulate might not be the right word but it is sticking to the grass and I can hope to wake up the a foot of snow in the morning. Can't I?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I think Sophie and Will look a lot a like at times. One might guess they were related! She looks so cute in her little apron. The snow looks fun, enjoy it while it lasts!