Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Visit to Mom and Dad's

We were at Mom and Dad's while they were in Europe. We were there for Brock's 18th birthday party. We visited with Emma and got to see Elizabeth. Brock and Mary took Connor and Laura skating one morning. We spent an afternoon at the beach and an evening with Bettina and her kids. Her baby, Lillian-Ruth is just 2 weeks older than Sophie. Oh, yeah, Laura used up my brand new tube of lip stick! Aren't kids cute!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The "ICE RINK"!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

The other day, I was on the computer, Patrick and Sophie were napping and Connor and Laura were playing quietly in their room. It was so nice to have some quiet, uninterrupted time to myself. After a little while, I noticed a smell like baby powder but didn't think anything of it. It was probably just Laura's cabbage patch doll she had brought me. The smell continued to grow stronger. When it got to be over powering,I don't know why I waited so long to investigate, I went to check on the kids. Connor was so happy! He had made a rel skating rink for his hockey players. What could I do at this point but take pictures and let them play. Luckily baby powder, even in large quantities, washes off in the tub and vacuums out of the carpet with no difficulty!

First Day of Swimming Lessons!

Connor really likes his teacher, Bekka, and has a great time playing in the water with the other kids in his class. (I'm glad I'm not the teacher of this class! They are quite a handful! and my son is one of the ring leaders!)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

After a very early start, 5:40am, we have arrived at Mom and Dad's for the weekend. They are still in Europe but Diana, Mary and Brock are here. Emma is going to come visit tomorrow and I am hoping to be able to squeeze in a visit with Bettina before we head home no Sunday evening.
Yesterday, we made a nice lasagna dinner for Patrick's birthday. The kids wanted him to have a party so we decorated with streamers and balloons and had brownies (Patrick doesn't like cake) for dessert.
On Monday, Connor started swimming lessons. He was very nervous about swimming without Mom or Dad and won't get in the water at first. Once he did get in, he did great. On Wednesday, he had no problems getting in the water and started making friend with a couple of the other boys in his class. He is kind of a handful for his teacher because he has no fear of the water (he has been swimming since he was 3 months old) and thinks he can swim on his own. He can swim about 5-7 feet on his own with his face in the water and can even get his head back up for a breath but HATES swimming on his back.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sausage Fest

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Laura, Sophie and Connor

While Patrick was putting Connor and Laura to bed, Sophie was content to lay on our bed and play with the blankets.


I realized that I haven't taken nearly as many pictures of Sophie as I had of the other two by this age so I went a bit camera crazy. Thankfully, I came up with a few really cute pictures. She is getting really vocal and has mastered rolling over. She rolled half way across the living room yesterday! I haven't caught it on film yet but hopefully I will this week!